
发布者:研究生院 发布时间:2024-06-24 浏览次数:

一、 个人简介:



1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,82104783,基于LncRNA-MEG3调控FoxO1介导的MN-s细胞自噬探讨肝豆灵改善Wilson病神经元损伤的作用机制,2022-01-012024-12-3130万元,在研,主持

2. 安徽省卫生健康委,“江淮名医培育工程”,ahsjhmypygc202300762023-01-012025-12-3118万元,在研,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,联合基金项目,U22A20366,基于肠肝轴和肠脑轴途径的新安医学固本培元方治疗Wilson病的作用机制研究,2023-01-012026-12-31255万元,在研,参与

4. 安徽中医药大学,自然科学项目,基于P38MAPK通路探讨肝豆灵片有效组分姜黄素干预Wilson病模型小鼠的神经保护机制(1万)主持,已结题



1.Zhang Y, Wang M, Tang L, Yang W, Zhang J(通讯). FoxO1 silencing in Atp7b-/- neural stem cells attenuates high copper-induced apoptosis via regulation of autophagy. J Neurochem. 2024 Jun 4. doi: 10.1111/jnc.16136. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38837406.

2. Zhang S, Yang WM(通讯), Li X, Pei P, Dong T, Yang Y., Zhang J(通讯). Clinical and genetic characterization of a large cohort of patients with Wilson's disease in China. Translational neurodegeneration 2022, 11(1):13.

3.Ding YF, Yang WM, Chen Y, Zhu J, Lu YC, Fang X, Zhang J(通讯). REC, a high-quality biomarker for differentiation of TCM syndrome in Wilson’s disease. J Tradit Chin Med, 2024. (Accepted)

4. Zhang J, Liu L, Zhang G, Li M, Ma B, Yang W. Treating patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant with a traditional Chinese medicine, Shufeng Jiedu capsule. Bioscience trends 2022, 16(3):238-241.

5. Zhang J, Xiao L, Yang W. Combined sodium Dimercaptopropanesulfonate and zinc versus D-penicillamine as first-line therapy for neurological Wilson's disease. BMC Neurol 2020, 20(1):255.

6. Zhang J, Xie D, Li Y, Li L, Han H, Zhang J, Chen H, Wang M, Guo Y. Evaluation of efficacy and safety of gandouling plus sodium dimercaptosulphonate in treatment of patients with neurological Wilson's disease from China. J Tradit Chin Med 2018, 38(5):781-786.

7. Zhang J, Li L, Chen H, Yang W. Clinical efficacy and safety of Gandouling plus low-dose D-penicillamine for treatment of Wilson's disease with neurological symptoms. J Tradit Chin Med 2018, 38(1):89-94






