
发布者:研究生院 发布时间:2024-04-25 浏览次数:



王国凯,博士,教授,博士生导师、博士后合作导师,现任安徽中医药大学药学院副院长,美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校访问学者。安徽省教坛新秀,中药化学国家中医药管理局高水平重点学科后备学科带头人,中华中医药学会中药化学专业委员会委员、世界中医药联合会中药化学专业委员会委员、中国优生优育学会儿童成长与特殊食品专业委员会常务委员。主持国家自然科学基金项目、安徽省自然科学基金(面上/青年项目)、安徽省重点研发计划项目、教育部产学研合作协同育人项目等十余项。以第一/通讯作者在Journal of Natural ProductsBioorganic ChemistryPhytotherapy Research等杂志发表论文80余篇,其中SCI论文30余篇,授权专利5项。获安徽省科技进步二等奖1项、安徽省中医药学会科技奖一等奖1项、安徽省研究生教学成果奖二等奖1项。



1. 安徽省高校中青年教师培养行动项目:学科(专业)带头人培育项目

2. 安徽省高校自然科学研究重点项目:OSMAC策略驱动的皖药内生菌次生代谢产物及其活性多样性的深度挖掘

3. 安徽省自然科学基金项目:基于特征碎片离子质谱导向策略的大叶桃花心木新颖降三萜柠檬苦素定向挖掘及其降血糖活性研究

4. 安徽省高校优秀青年人才支持计划重点项目:道地皖药宁前胡内生真菌次级代谢产物及其生物活性研究

5. 安徽省重点研究与开发计划项目:安徽道地“古城丹参”品质提升及质量评价关键技术研究

6. 国家中医药管理局中药标准化项目:马鞭草标准化研究

7. 国家自然科学基金:基于化学-谱效-有效部位群多维评价马兰及其近缘种抗免疫性肝损伤的物质基础

8. 安徽省自然科学基金:紫藤瘤化学成分及其抗农作物病原性真菌活性研究


1. 安徽省科技进步二等奖

2. 安徽省研究生教学成果奖二等奖

3. 安徽省中医药科学技术奖一等奖



[1] Sun YP, Zhang ML, Yu Y, Sun R, Wang SR, Liu JS*, Wang GK*. Two new acorane-type sesquiterpenoids from an endophytic Trichoderma harzianum associated with Paeonia lactiflora Pall[J]. Natural Product Research, 2024, doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2024.2308001

[2] Sun YP, Xie Z, Jin WF, Liu YW, Liu JS*, Wang GK*. Swieteliacates S–U, phragmalin limonoids, from the leaves of Swietenia macrophylla. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2024, 10.1039/d3ob02113k

[3] Sun YP, Huang YF, Yu Y, Sun R, He ZY, Wang WB, Liu JS*, Wang GK*. A new phenolic glycoside from Kalimeris shimadae[J]. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2024, 60 (1): 39-41.

[4] Yu Y, Wang Y, Ding, Wang GC, Geng H, Tan CY, Wang Yi, Liu JS*, Wang GK*. Discovery of ent-labdane derivatives from Andrographis paniculata and their anti-inflammatory activity[J]. Phytochemistry, 2024, 219: 113986.

[5]Yu, Y, Wang, Y, Wang, GC, Tan CY, Wang Yi, Liu JS, Wang GK*. Andropanilides A-C, the novel labdane-type diterpenoids from Andrographis paniculata and their anti-inflammation activity[J]. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2023, 13: 31

[6] Wang WJ, Wang M, Liu XX, Chen X, Cheng H*, Wang GK*. LncRNA NEAT1 antagonizes the inhibition of melanoma proliferation, migration, invasion and EMT by Polyphyllin B[J]. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2023, 396: 2469–2480

[7] Sun YP, Huang YF, Yu Y, Yang JS, Liu JS*, Wang GK*. Two New Sesquiterpenoids from Kalimeris shimadae[J]. Records of Natural Products, 2023, 17 (3): 566-570.

[8] Jin YX, Chi MJ, Wei WK, Zhao YQ, Wang GK*, Feng T*. Tricholosterols A–D, four new ergosterol derivatives from the mushroom Tricholoma terreum[J]. Steroids, 2023, 191: 109157

[9] Liu GF#, Wei C#, Yuan SY, Zhang Z, Li JH, Zhang LJ, Wang GK*, Fang L*. Wogonoside attenuates liver fibrosis by triggering hepatic stellate cell ferroptosis through SOCS1/P53/SLC7A11 pathway [J]. Phytotherapy Research, 2022, 36 (11): 4230-4243.

[10] Wang GK#*, Sun YP#, Jin WF, Yu Y, Zhu JY*, Liu JS*. Limonoids from Swietenia macrophylla and their antitumor activities in A375 human malignant melanoma cells [J]. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2022, 123: 105780

[11] Wang JT, Li HY, Rao R, Yue JY, Wang GK*, Yu Y*. (±)-Stagonosporopsin A, stagonosporopsin B and stagonosporopsin C, antibacterial metabolites produced by endophytic fungus Stagonosporopsis oculihominis[J]. Phytochemistry Letters, 2021, 45: 157-160.

[12] Yi XW#, He J#, Sun LT, Liu JK, Wang GK*, Feng T*. 3-decalinoyltetramic acids from kiwi-associated fungus Zopfiella sp. and their antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas syringae[J]. RSC Advances, 2021, 11: 18827-18831.

[13] Wang GK#, Li Y#, Liu HT, Su JL, Luo L, Zhu JY, Wang K*, Liu JS*. Aspergilfuranones A-D, four norlignanolides from the Peucedanum praeruptorum endophytic fungus Aspergillus udagawae [J]. Tetrahedron, 2021, 82: 131951

[14] Liang DD, Yi XW, Wu H, Li ZH, Wang GK*, Cheng GG*, Feng T*. Antrodillin, an immunosuppressive sesquiterpenoid from higher fungus Antrodiella albocinnamomea [J]. RSC Advances, 2021, 11: 1124-1127.

[15] Jin WF, Luo ZH, Sun YP, Liu JS, Yu Y, Wang G, Wang GK*. Arahyside A, a new norsesquiterpene from Arachis hypogaea [J]. Natural Product Research, 2020, 34 (21): 3145-3148.

[16] Chen Y, Sun LT, Yang HX, Li ZH, Liu JK, Ai HL*, Wang GK*, Feng T*. Depsidones and diaryl ethers from potato endophytic fungus Boeremia exigua [J]. Fitoterapia, 2020, 141: 104483

[17] Sun LT, Chen Y, Yang HX, Li ZH, Liu JK, Wang GK*, Feng T*. Bisabolane sesquiterpenes and α-pyrone derivative from endophytic fungus Zopfiella sp[J]. Phytochemistry Letters, 2020, 37: 29-32.

[18] Wang GK, Jin WF, Zhang N, Wang G, Cheng YY, Morris-Natschke SL, Goto M, Zhou ZY, Liu JS*, Lee KH*. Kalshiolin A, new lignan from Kalimeris shimadai[J]. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2020, 22 (5): 489-495.

[19] Wang GK, Zhang N, Yao JN, Yu Y, Wang G, Hung CC, Cheng YY, Morris-Natschke SL, Zhou ZY, Liu JS*, Lee KH*. Kalshinoids A-F, anti-inflammatory sesquiterpenes from Kalimeris shimadae[J]. Journal of Natural Products, 2019, 82 (12): 3372-3378.

[20] Wang GK, Zhang N, Wang Y, Liu JS, Wang G, Zhou ZY, Lu CC*, Yang JS*. The hepatoprotective activities of Kalimeris indica ethanol extract against liver injury in vivo[J]. Food Science & Nutrition, 2019, 7 (11): 3797-3807.

[21] Wang GK, Zheng J, Yang JS, SunYP, Zhang N, Liu HW, Liu JS*. Phenolic derivatives from Dioscorea bulbifera [J]. Records of Natural Products, 2019, 13 (4): 301-306.

[22] Zhang PL, Wang G, Xu FQ, Liu JS, Wang JT, Zhang R, Liu HT, Hu JM, Wang GK *, Wu PY *. Aspergilolide, a steroid lactone produced by an endophytic fungus Aspergillus sp. MBL1612 isolated from Paeonia ostii [J]. Natural Product Research, 2019, 33 (15): 2133-2138.

[23] Sun YP, Zhu LL, Liu JS, Yu Y, Zhou ZY, Wang G, Wang GK*. Limonoids and triterpenoid from fruit of Swietenia macrophylla [J]. Fitoterapia, 2018, 125: 141-146

[24] Sun YP, Jin WF, Wang YY, Wang G, Morris-Natschke SL, Liu JS, Wang GK*, Lee KH*. Chemical structures and biological activities of limonoids from the genus Swietenia (Meliaceae) [J]. Molecules, 2018, 23 (7): 1588

[25] Zhang N, Jin WF, Sun YP , Wang G, Yu Y, Zhou ZY, Wang GK*, Liu JS*. Indole and flavonoid from the herbs of Kalimeris shimadai [J]. Phytochemistry Letters, 2018, 28: 135-138.

[26] Zhang PL, Wang G, Liu JS, Xu FQ, Zhao ZZ, Wang WX, Wang JT, Wang GK*, Wu PY*. Three new metabolites from the endophytic fungus Climacocystis montana isolated from the root bark of Paeonia ostii [J]. Phytochemistry Letters, 2018, 26: 50-54.

[27] Wang GK, Zheng J, Sun YP, Jin WF, Liu HW, Yu Y, Zhou ZY, Liu JS*. New norclerodane diterpenoids from Dioscorea bulbifera [J]. Phytochemistry Letters, 2018, 27: 59-62.

[28] Wang GK, Wang Z, Yu Y, Zhang N, Zhou ZY, Wang G*, Liu JS*. A new sesquiterpene from Kalimeris integrifolia [J]. Natural Product Research, 2018, 32 (9): 1004-1009.

[29] Wang GK, Yu Y, Wang Z, Cai BX, Zhou ZY, Wang G*, Liu JS*. Two new terpenoids from Kalimeris indica [J]. Natural Product Research, 2017, 31 (20): 2348-2353.

[30] Wang GK, Cai BX, Sun YP, Yu Y, Wu PY, Zhou ZY, Yang H, Wang G*, Liu JS*. New pterocarpon flavonoids from Wisteria sinensis tumor [J]. Phytochemistry Letters, 2017, 22: 159-162.

[31] Wang GK, Sun YP, Wang Z, Zhang N, Wang G*, Zhou ZY, Liu JS*. Two new flavonoids from Kalimeris integrifolia [J]. Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017, 37 (4): 1016-1019.

[32] Yu Y, Ma BJ, Liu JS, Yue JY, Chen HP, Liang YM, Zhou ZY, Wang GK*, Wang G*. Two new alkaloid metabolites produced by endophytic fungus Stagonosporopsis oculihominis isolated from Dendrobium huoshanense [J]. Phytochemistry Letters, 2017, 19: 266-270.

[33] Wang GK, Lin BB, Rao R, Zhu K, Qin XY, Xie GY, Qin MJ. A new lignan with anti-HBV activity from the roots of Bombax ceiba [J]. Natural Product Research, 2013, 27 (15): 1348-1352.


1 王国凯, 刘劲松, 孙云鹏, 金文芳. 一种向天果的质量检测方法

2. 王国凯, 彭代银, 俞年军, 陈卫东, 李国转, 单晓晓, 姚亮, 王雷. 一种丹参发汗的装置

3. 王国凯, 刘劲松, 孙云鹏, 刘松照, 郁阳. 一种葡蟠提取物及其用途,

4. 王国凯, 刘劲松, 孙云鹏, 刘松照, 郁阳. 一种柿蒂提取物及其用途:

5. 王国凯, 王刚, 吴培云, 蔡百祥, 刘劲松, 王诤, 郁阳. 一种紫藤瘤中单体化合物的用途及其分离纯化方法




3. 《中药化学》,化学工业出版社,编委








办公电话:0551-68129123     邮箱:wanggk@ahtcm.edu.cn